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March 2025
Neue Medien Agentur Kai Suzuki GmbH
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© 2007 Neue Medien Agentur Kai Suzuki GmbH. All rights reserved.

Opening gratulation from Mr. Rolf Zeitler
On 11th of October 2007 Mr. Rolf Zeitler the governing mayor of Unterschleißheim was personally in IAZ Kaufland to inspect the new store. "This new store is specialized for communication and computer technology. For Unterschleißheim this is an enrichment." Mr.Rolf Zeitler said.
The managing director of Neue Medien Agentur Kai Suzuki GmbH said also that this opening of this store was an strategical desicion. " In Unterschleißheim there is no possibility to get Computer technology and accessoires for affordable prizes. With our repair station for computer and notebooks the customer can get a mending promptly. Also we offer servies of all telecommunication companies like T-Mobile, Vodafone, Eplus, O2, T-Com, Kabel Dutschland and others.", so Kai Suzuki.
Kais Computer und Telefonladen is a division of Neue Medien Agentur Kai Suzuki GmbH that make it possible to offer all services of the ITK-branch.

New opening party in IAZ Kaufland Unteschleißheim
The neue Medien Agentur Kai Suzuki GmbH opens its first shop for customer and self-employed. The managing director Kai Suzuki said: "The position of this shop has strategical decision. In Unterschleißheim there is no possibility to get Computer technology together with telecommunication from one hand.".
Also the coalescence of both branchs aks for a shop that on the one hand offers computer technology and on the other hand telecommunication.
To the opening of the shop more than 100 people were coming. "We didn't expected so many people because we sended only 50 invitations.", so the managing director of Neue Medien Agentur Kai Suzuki GmbH.
Kais Computer und Telefonladen is a division of Neue Medien Agentur Kai Suzuki GmbH that make it possible to offer all services of the ITK-branch.
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Computer technology
Corporate Identity
Cashsystem & CRM
Onlinemedia & CMS